The Military Attache at the Oman Embassy in London has written with a request for materials pertaining to the Air Force Technical College. Air Commodore Abdelnasser H al Shekaili writes:
I am emailing you in the hope that you can assist us; the Royal Air Force of Oman is currently writing a book and one of the chapters will discuss the Air force Technical College. It was named previously under the following headings:
Technical Training School 1974
Technical Training Institute 1980
Trade Training Institute 1989
Air Force Technical College 1993
If you can kindly advise us of the contact details of any UK officers that have worked and/or assisted in the establishment of these organisations plus any other photos or information that may be deemed helpful with the writing of this book.
Thank you in advance and looking forward to your response.
Please respond to with the email subject 'Air Force Technical College' and we will pass on the information you send to Abdelnasser. Please indicate whether you are happy that your email address is passed on to Abdelnasser and if you are attaching items such as photos for which you hold the copyright please state that you agree to their use in the proposed book.