Shirley Akehurst's family have kindly shared with us the details of how to attend her funeral online. The details of their message and the link to the funeral are reproduced below. The funeral will be held at 10:00 am on Thursday 21 January 2021.
The Service from the West Wiltshire Crematorium will be broadcast on the internet by a specialist provider (ie not on Zoom, Teams, Meet, or Skype). The details you need to access this webcast, if you wish to watch the Service, are as follows:
Username: Yuhe7206
Password: 069599
You can test that it is working by clicking on the link above, which takes you to a page on which you enter the Username and Password. That then takes you to another page, specific to Shirley, with a test webcast film that you can also press play to watch, and text that says “Your webcast connection is working”.