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Curry Lunch 2022

The date for this year's London curry lunch, Friday 24 June 2022, is fast approaching and numbers of applications are at present, down on previous pre-covid years. In these straightened times the Association is having to look hard at our finances and it may prove difficult to continue to arrange some functions if they prove to be less popular than they were. The curry lunch has previously been well attended and popular not least because of the reasonable price (still only £30) and the fact that spouses and guests are most welcome.

Major General Richard Stanford, recently, 2017 - 2021, Senior British Loan Service Officer in Oman will be bringing us up to date on goings on there.

So get your applications in soonest. Details are at

Please also note that we are discouraging payment by cheque for this and many future events. The banks have started charging for each cheque paid in and it is more economical and convenient if members will please pay by bank transfer.

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